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How has The Tapestry Network equipped you, especially regarding your faith?

17 Jul 2024 1:12 PM | Anonymous

 “How has The Tapestry Network equipped you, especially regarding your faith?” is the question I was asked. It didn’t take me too long to answer.

The Tapestry Network equipped me with the ability to pray out loud. That may sound like a simple feat for some, but for me, it was huge! Let me explain.

I’m a PK. Preacher’s Kid. My daddy is good at praying out loud. Very, very good. I’m not sure if that’s something taught in seminary, but if it is I’m sure he got an A+ in that class. Over the years, from his days in the pulpit to the blessings at our dinner table, his flowery words and confidence were obvious. Daddy knew just what to say that would be meaningful to everyone, not just God. And I knew I could never pray like that! If I was going to pray out loud, it was only going to be the “Bless Us Oh Lord” grace we pray as a family. Or the Our Father. Otherwise, my prayers were silent, between me and God.

Then a couple of years ago, I started attending The Tapestry Network meetings online, mostly Woven In Wednesday. I heard women praying out loud, using words that came from their hearts. Not the flowery words my daddy uses, but common, everyday language. The language I use in my everyday conversations. And it was meaningful and moving. What I learned from these women was that I don’t have to have big, flowery words when I’m praying, but instead I just need to be myself.

For several years I’ve had a desire to pray with my husband, something other than grace and the Our Father. Last Spring, I had my chance. John and I were making a cross-country trip and he made the suggestion that we pray for a safe journey as we hit the road. I immediately said yes. I even offered to go first! I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive but I did it, and I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to pray out loud with him. We took turns everyday, praying out loud together for 3 weeks. Not only did this help us grow in our faith, but it brought us closer together as a couple: what a bonus!

So you see, the sisters of The Tapestry Network equipped me with the power and confidence and courage to pray out loud. I’m not ready to pray in front of large crowds, but in a pinch, I know I can if there’s a need. For that, I’m incredibly grateful.

-Melanie Diehl

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